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Warranty Conditions - BAD BIKEs are covered by warranty for 7 years according to the following ways

  • Seven years in case of natural damage.
  • 2 years as follows: Full coverage for the first 12 months, coverage of 50% of the cost from the 13th month up to the 16th , coverage of 30% of cost from 17th month up to the 20th , coverage of 15% of the cost from the 21th month up to the 24th
  • For Bad Original: 2 years as follows: Full coverage for the first 12 months, coverage of 30% of the cost from the 13th month up to the 18th , coverage of 15% of cost from 19th month up to the 24th
    Electrical parts: Control unit, Display, P.A.S., Engine, Charger
  • for 2 years from the purchase. It being understood that there is not any contact with the water.
    This condition provides for the loss of the warranty. The battery charger also is covered by
    warranty for 24 months from the purchase. We recommend keeping it in a dry and ventilated place
    far away from electric sources. It is not covered by warranty in case of electric surges.
    Mechanical parts
  • for 2 years from the purchase of pedals, steering, seat, brake levers etc. It being understood that there is not any irregular use of the bike.
  • The warranty does not cover all the consumer parts – Disks, brake pads, tires and rims of the wheel.

Warranty Conditions – MIG is covered by warranty for 2 years according to the following ways

  • Two years in case of natural damage.
  • 2 years as follows: Full coverage for the first 12 months, coverage of 50% of the cost from the 13th month up to the 16th , coverage of 30% of cost from 17th month up to the 20th , coverage of 15% of the cost from the 21th month up to the 24th
    Electrical parts: Control unit, Display, P.A.S., Engine, Charger
  • for 2 years from the purchase. It being understood that there is not any contact with the water.
    This condition provides for the loss of the warranty. The battery charger also is covered by
    warranty for 24 months from the purchase. We recommend keeping it in a dry and ventilated place
    far away from electric sources. It is not covered by warranty in case of electric surges.
    Mechanical parts
  • for 2 years from the purchase of steering, brake levers etc. It being understood that there is not any irregular use of the bike.
  • The warranty does not cover all the consumer parts – Disks, brake pads, tires.